Monday, January 25, 2010

Warhammer Online Leveling Guide - Fast Leveling Without PvP

By Tanija Fabri

When you want to level fast in WAR, then a Warhammer Online leveling guide is the best help to get. Leveling guides have helped many players in many games advance fast enough so they won't get bored of it. In Warhammer Online, a leveling guide is especially needed because the game is a bit different. Here is how a leveling guide is more useful in WAR than in any other game.

Online games have generally two sides, the PvE and the PvP sides. PvE is the part where players level up their characters, farm better items for themselves and just hang out with their friends. PvP is the part where players fight other players for different objectives. PvP is also divided into several parts. In Warhammer Online you have open realm versus realm, oRvR, fights to take control of keeps.

You also have Scenarios, smaller areas where players fight to win Scenarios by completing all sorts of objectives, much like a deathmatch. A large percentage of the game evolves around the concept of PvP, that's why it can get tough for some players to level up.

Not everyone wants or can be effective in PvP, that's why it is very important for such players to be able to level up fast enough using the PvE part of the game. Which in WAR it is pretty twisted up. That's where the Warhammer Online leveling guide comes in. Inside such a leveling guide you will find a whole route that will take you from the start to the finish of the game without having to get killed by enemy players all the time. You won't have to rely on your faction so much to win Scenarios or take over keeps so that you can level up, you can take matter into your own hands and level up faster than anyone with a Warhammer Online leveling guide.

Thanks to the Warhammer Online leveling guide I could level up several characters without having to keep an eye out for enemy players all the time. I came to the conclusion that when ever you want to level a character easy and very fast, you should get a Warhammer Online leveling guide.

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